
https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/ls9ihawc8 While I’ve been looking for a contact on the “inside” at Ganz, the makers of “Webkinz”, I sent this letter to their support email. My hope is that it finds someone that realizes the significance to a 9 year old girl: Dear Webkinz, My name is Shawn Powers, I’m an editor at Linux Journal, a Technology Director at a school … Read more


Thankfulness: A Full Time Job

I know none of you have helped us looking for our gratitude as motivation. I know you’ve all given gifts, emails, encouragement, kind thoughts, and a million other things purely because you’re wonderful people. I think that is the reason I want to track everyone down and blubber over them with thankfulness. I apologize for the virtual snot and tears … Read more

It’s Not the Destination, it’s the Journey

https://calif-ilc.org/0tdx8mblqn The wind was blowing hard, but it didn’t offer any relief. In fact it was much like a dragon trying to cool off a hot cup of tea by blowing on it. The sun pressed down so hard on Jade’s head, its flaming tendrils wiggled their punishment through the holes in the straw cap he was wearing. It seemed as … Read more

I Now Have Clean Underwear

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/lru2gfsv You’ll have to trust me that the significance of this is much greater to myself and my family than I expect it to be anyone reading. (Well, maybe for my friend Josh, who hosted my family last night. He’s heard way more than a dude should hear about another dude’s lack of clean underwear.) Silliness aside, I managed to tether … Read more

An Update On Our House

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/suvhnnx Wow. You’d think I’d have something a bit more profound to say, but perhaps I’m still in shock. So, wow. Here’s a quick update: * We’re all OK. We were at church during the fire. * Our house did burn, but is still standing. The fireman said it was likely because it’s winter, and the house was sealed up, so … Read more

How Do YOU Relieve Stress?

Clonazepam For Insomnia Ok, don’t mention that one, you perv. I think a large part of my migraines might be due to stress. I have an abnormal amount in my life, even for me. So I’m up for ideas. Please, if your answer is “exercise”, be more specific. (Again, not that, sheesh keep your mind out of the gutter!) Thanks in advance. 🙂