I Didn’t Buckle

Order Clonazepam Without Prescription This is like a nicotine patch for Coke drinkers, but without the nicotine. So, I guess that means it’s like a pointless sticker that resembles a nicotine patch. At the very least the Coke company could make caffeine free Coke Zero — which would probably taste fairly good. Sadly, I’m not the guy they turn to for suggestions like that.


Funny What Makes News

Buy Ambien Sleeping Pills Uk You know, a few months ago, I could have posted this screenshot and probably gotten on the local news. Or possibly on the cover of The Enquirer as a secret UCF/LHC/Palin conspiracy member. Of course in these post-Palin days, I figure it’s just one of my Alaskan friends visiting. Still, seeing it makes me chuckle. 🙂

25 Things You Don’t Know About My Dog

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/kfygnazd4wt I really hate memes, so I figured I’d tell you about my dog instead. To be honest, he’s probably more interesting than me anyway. So here ya go: 1. His name is Tux, but originally it was Fizz-Gig. It fit him well. 2. Our cat is bigger than he is. 3. She reminds him of that when he tries to … Read more

Exercise That Is Fun

https://electroseleccio.cat/3roulrjj08t OK, I hate exercise. I really really do. I would like some suggestions for exercise that is fun. Something that I might not consider exercise, but rather something fun to do. No, not that. Sicko. Here’s a bit about the requirements: 1. I don’t like being outside when it’s cold. 2. It’s always cold here. 3. I have no exercise … Read more

Where Did Shawn Go?

Zolpidem Online Usa He’s home. Sick. But because he can’t stand being home sick, he’s going into work at 10AM this morning and sequestering himself to the office so as not to infect others. OK, enough with the 3rd person. 🙂 Yeah, I have the flu that has been ravaging our school district. I try really hard to do all my computer work … Read more

I’m Not That Guy

https://www.daathize.com.br/64m81a7exmw You know that guy that can fix mechanical things? The car breaks down, and he grabs his toolbox and reconoiters your carburetor on the side of the road? Yeah, well I’m not that guy. We have lots of snow. The storm London just got is what we refer to “A Tuesday” around here. That’s not to make light of the … Read more