Took It.

Ambien Cheapest Online I did take my pill (and I’d have forgotten, if it weren’t for Michelle), and I’m trying to dream up some absurd widget that I have to update daily when I take my pill. Maybe I’ll integrate a “skype me a reminder” button somehow too. …anyway, I’m off to take the kids to the library to see an owl with … Read more

Review Recursion

My recent game review got a review of it’s own. 🙂 It’s funny, because the critiques are a bit odd (especially suggesting that using the stable version was the wrong choice?!?!) There’s no such thing as bad press, so I’m not complaining. And it wasn’t really a bad review review, but I thought I’d share anyway.

Congratulations Donna!!! My beautiful and talented wife interviewed for a position as a paraprofessional in the school library yesterday. Apparently she blew away the competition, because the interviewing process didn’t even go into a second round (normally it does). Donna loves books, so I’m sure her enthusiasm came through in the interview. AND, the library is conveniently located approximately 2 feet from … Read more

Valentine’s Gift? So, if you have a significant other, what are you getting him/her/they/them for Valentine’s day? DISCLAIMER: If your significant other actually reads my blog, well, that’s pretty cool, but you don’t have to comment on the gift unless it’s already a done deal. As mine is. Since Amazon will be delivering the gift tomorrow while I’m at work, Donna already … Read more


Sometimes, I get depressed — for no good reason at all. Yeah, I could come up with tons of reasons, but really, how lame is that. I think it would be more fun to blame something absurd, like cottage cheese. Maybe because tomorrow is Monday. Yeah, that’s it. Want some depressed people poetry? Here ya go. It’s over before the … Read more

iMovie Ain’t Got Speechcheck Something I’ve noticed since I’ve been doing video reviews, is that speaking in public (well, sorta) is a bit different than writing. I know some of you do voice work professionally. Dear Lord, the thought just occurred to me that what *I* do might be considered professional. Heh. Anyway, it amazes me how much I struggle with pronunciation. I’m talking … Read more