Families, Grudges, and Reconciliation

https://transculturalexchange.org/77p60p8gfif I had a falling out a while back with one of my sisters. It was one of your standard fallings out — basically miscommunication and misunderstanding. Since we’re too old to kick each other in the shins and go tell Mom, we basically haven’t spoken in months. If I thought hard enough, I could remember the details regarding our spat, … Read more

More about Chris

Yesterday, I posted about how impressed I was with Chris’ performance. I went back tonight, and even though there were some changes to the performance that detracted a little (not Chris’ decisions), it was still incredible entertainment. I have a couple video clips taken with our little digital still camera. The video quality is terrible, but you can get a … Read more

I Made It Around the Sun Again

https://aiohealthpro.com/yvo37l9w Well, that’s 32 times now I’ve flown around the Sun. Relatively speaking, I’ve traveled 18,380,173,760 miles, which means I could have flown to Pluto and back, then taken a quick jaunt back to Uranus for souvenirs. I still would have made it back in time to blow out candles this afternoon. Of course, for that to happen, my Mom would … Read more

I Got Old

Buy Alprazolam Online Cheap I slowly see myself growing up. Sometimes it catches me off guard, and makes me look back at the days of less stress and less responsibility. It’s funny for me to consider paying off our current vehicle, and then saving thousands of dollars to get a new minivan when this one finally drives to it’s last soccer game. It wasn’t … Read more