This, I Remember There was a slight… disbelief in my household this Christmas, which YouTube graciously helped me prove wrong. No one remembered this, but once I found it, and showed them, they all remembered. Yeah, if you’re in your 30s, it will make you nostalgic, I promise. 🙂

Best Ever Here at the Powers’ homestead, Christmas is always a mixed bag of joy, stress, depression, fun, and food. And presents. I must admit, I’m not terribly fond of this time of year, and my personal mood tends to lean more toward depression and stress than anything else — but there are some things I like about the season. One of … Read more

My Day, Crud Edition I didn’t throw up until 1:30PM, so that was good. Things were actually quite nice until the afternoon, in fact. I had a meeting, drank some coffee, ate some lunch; it was pretty nice. Then, for some odd reason, I began violently throwing up. It was truly a vomit fest, and just as gross as it sounds. With chunks. (And … Read more

Merry Christmas

Buy Ambien Online Europe Here’s a 1:45 snippet of the culmination of 2 months worth of preparation. My wife was the director of the children’s Christmas musical at our church this year, and tonight was the performance. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with ourselves now that there won’t be 3 practices a week, with 3 times that this past week. 🙂 … Read more

Pretty in Pink

This is Lydia. It may not be perfectly clear in this cellphone photo, but Lydia’s eyes are particularly pink today. The doctor won’t let her return to school until Thursday. Ironically (for me anyway), she’s not thrilled about that. She wants to go to school. She doesn’t want the drops in her eyes though, which I do understand. But hey, … Read more