Open Source on the OSX First off, a disclaimer: I am a Linux enthusiast. This is no secret. What may not be evident, however, is that I’m not a purist. I believe in the best tool for the job, and if you want to use Windows or OSX, more power to you. I’d rather you choose to try it, rather than have me shove it … Read more


We just bought a new iPod nano for Donna, because she’s going to need the video playing ability this summer. It’s a really cute black 8GB model, and she likes it. That, however, isn’t what this post is about. See, Donna already had an iPod. It’s a pink 4GB nano, and since she has a new one, I get to … Read more

Lack of Organiza…LOOK A PONY! You know those people that live and die by their paper planner? When they lose it, life almost ceases to go on, and they run in circles like a bee with a pollen allergy? I’m not one of those people. You know those people that have a crackberry/palm pilot/iPhone strapped to their side, and if their batteries die, they do … Read more

Just Shoot Me Put the gun down, I was talking about video cameras… I put up a short article about the Penguicon over at Linux Journal, and the video is painful to my ego. I really should consider investing in something with better audio recording ability, and better low-light performance. Or maybe I could get an implant into my eyeball that digitizes everything … Read more