I Hate Digg
I really don’t have a good reason to hate Digg, but it’s just frustrating that it’s guided by the general public. Because honestly, I think the general public is dumb. Not individuals (I think you personally are shiny), but rather as a whole. I can write some well thought out, interesting stuff — and get minimal diggs. I can write … Read more
Linux: Sexy, Smart, and Cheap. The Perfect Date.
The biggest thing that concerns me about my recent Linux Journal article, is that people might think my hair is normally like the photo… 🙂 If you’re looking for a laugh at my expense, feel free to click through. (And please Digg the article too, if you like it and know what Digg is…) read more | digg story
Geek Like Me
Lizzie recently turned 7 years old. She’s our youngest, but like her sisters, she couldn’t deny being my kid. Today, she proved that she’s a geek. And from me, that’s a big compliment. 🙂 Lizzie is home sick today, and Grandma is staying at the house with her while Donna and I are working. Donna gave Grandma her cellphone, because … Read more
April Foolery at Linux Journal
Yesterday, Linux Journal let me go crazy with an April Fool’s Day joke. I came up with the idea to switch our focus to an old operating system, BeOS, and pretended to seriously report on things pertaining to BeOS. The whole LJ crew got into the fun, and we ended up with quite a round of shenanigans throughout the day. … Read more
Linux Journal Shifts Focus You have to be a geek to appreciate this…
There’s so much to say about the trip to Houston, but I’ll try to stick to pertinent information, and leave things like wearing a “Feeling Lucky” shirt at a restaurant on gay night out of the story. 🙂 Linux Journal flew me out to Texas for a meeting. I wasn’t entirely sure what the meeting would involve (I suspect part … Read more
I Heart Skype
I got to talk to the family this morning with Skype’s video chat. Video really does make it more personal. And Skype works so darn well that the process is painless. If you commute, do you Skype with your family? You should try it…