On Creation

https://juristas-ruidos.org/y2aa3hqv No, not in the biblical sense (or in the bedroom sense… boy, I should really rethink that title…) (This is actually a journal entry, but it felt like a blog post when I finished, so I copied it here too) I’m almost 50. Well, recently 49, and 49 is close to 50. And while I’ve been financially poor and financially … Read more


Why Some Things Stick

https://www.beecavebee.com/vwsreeb9 It annoys me how prevalent ADHD is in every aspect of my psyche. Really. I’d like to have some qualities and faults which don’t fall directly in line with how ADHD brains work. I used to think I was a special, albeit broken, snowflake. (Not in the political sense, I just mean in the special and unique sense) But nope, … Read more

Season 49

https://sapooni.com/iuqktrt It’s funny that we think of, “middle age” as somewhere around 50. Assuming a 100 year lifespan is pretty darn optimistic. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy to experience mid-life around 65 or so. But unless we make some major medical/robotic advances in the next 30-40 years, it’s likely my mid-life is in the rear view mirror. (And not … Read more

An Idea I Had About a Thing…

https://juristas-ruidos.org/fms26zcxu I recently bought a few, “morning meditation” type books. I’m not really someone who actually goes through the process of proper meditation, but I wanted a short snippet that I could read and reflect on first thing in the morning. These types of things tend to be uplifting, encouraging, and generally just positive vibes all the way down. I kinda … Read more

RedHat: Rocky Times with its Alma Mater

Buy Ambien Next Day Delivery Intellectually, I understand the importance of Open Source licenses. The nuances of GPLv2 and GPLv3 can change the entire way a piece of software is used, developed, and shared. But I don’t really care all that much. Sure, I lose a lot of “cred” when I dismiss licensing so offhandedly. How can I call myself an Open Source evangelist, or … Read more

If You Can’t Do Something Perfect…

Just don’t do anything at all? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not a healthy motto to live by, but it sure does resonate with me. I’ve always struggled with perfectionism, and it sorta ambushed me this week. It’s been a while since I’ve been paralyzed by it. That’s mostly because my creative efforts of late have all been on my … Read more


https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/287l23qvkom Before I start, it’s important to know that I’m not writing this to convince anyone to send money. We’ll be OK, truly. I’m writing this because much like depression, shame withers in the light. I don’t want the specter of “what if someone finds out” to live in my brain, rent free. And perhaps hearing our misfortune will help someone … Read more

How THIS Keeps Happening

It occurred to me today that I’m not really sure if the things I publish are the things I allow to get out of my think-meat, or if they’re things I can’t keep inside it. It probably doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but my brain (jerk that it is) thinks a lot. A LOT. Now, I’ve … Read more

Just Do the Next Thing

Get Zolpidem Online I often think about Charlie Brill and Mitzi McCall. If you aren’t familiar with the married comedy duo, it’s not surprising. They were the act who followed the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show back in 1964. How could you possibly follow that?!? Thankfully, Justin Bieber didn’t recently make Linux training videos that I have to follow. But the thing … Read more

Doing One Thing Well, or Not

When I started this “be a professional creator full time” adventure at the start of 2022, I got lots of advice. And as a quick recap for those who don’t know about my “Big Year” (sans birds), which is honestly most of you, because I didn’t really shout about it from the mountain tops, here’s the deal: For the past … Read more