Dear International Cafe “Cinnamon Dulce” Cappuccino… You are a powdered drink mix. Just like chopped steak is still hamburger, and Crocs are just weird rubber shoes, you are not a gourmet beverage. Please do not pretend to be so. In fact, I suspect you may actually be a prank beverage, because it seems that when I made a cup in my gourmet single serving brewing apparatus … Read more

These Bookmarks Are Priceless

Really. They’re not for sale. This particular one was made by a 6th grader. She was one of the winners of the “design a bookmark” contest here at the school library. She’s also my daughter, which is awesome for many reasons. (No, Donna and I were not judges in the contest.) The winning bookmarks, of which there are 12 or … Read more

CERN Hides Large Hadron Collider Experiment

What started out as a festive holiday for most ended in the beginning stages of the apocalypse. CERN has certainly been under the public eye with their LHC experiments, and so in order to test some of the more controversial procedures — the “scientists” need to mask their nefarious plans in a bit of pie. The head accretion team leader, … Read more

Christmas: How Did You Know?

It is the time of year where we get presents. That means it’s the time of year for awkward moments where you must pretend your gift is something you’ve always wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about, “It’s the thought that counts” — but we’ve all gotten those 3 armed sweaters from Crazy Aunt Judy. It’s the time of … Read more

The Plight of the Soupless

I’m currently sitting in a restaurant with my extended family, as one often does during the holiday season. They’re all eating. It’s not rude of them to be eating while I sit and stare at my empty placemat, because you see, they ordered soup and salad bar with their meal. I, did not. It’s quite unsettling to have everyone else … Read more

Getting Things Done Whenever I’m overwhelmed, Donna reminds me how to eat an elephant.  One bite at a time.  It’s really good advice, and yet I still try to poke that thing down in one gulp.  I always fail of course, and have guilt, more stress, an increasing workload, and a lovely shame spiral that seems to never end.  Ahh, RealLifeâ„¢, how greatly … Read more

Meet Fred The Fish

I read that fish relieve stress. I also know that caring for fish can be very stressful. Ironic that. So, following the advice of my Internet friends on Twitter, I decided to adopt a betta fish. I have a 1.5 gallon tank, and he seems quite happy. He likes to strut his stuff and flare his gills and fins quite … Read more

What Are Your Traditions? It’s really interesting to visit others during the holidays.  Some folks have advent calendars, some have fake snow on the windows, heck some even have dying pine trees sitting in their livingroom decorated in a morbid mockery of their death.  (At least that’s what I assume the trees are for, we have a fake tree…) Here at Chez Powers, there … Read more