The Student Has Become The Master

Today I put this together: Some of you may have seen my tweet about it earlier. The part that was really interesting for me is that a former student was chatting with me over IM while I was assembling it, walking me through some of the things that have changed since I last built a white box machine. (Several years) … Read more

Missing Caffeine About a week and a half ago, I quit consuming caffeine. It was about as much fun as you’d imagine, and only the past 3 or 4 days have been headache free. I actually think my plan to taper off was dumb, and I should have quit cold turkey. I ended up with a headache for over a week rather … Read more

7 Tips for Being a Happy Blogger

We’re past the point where “blogging” is new and cool, so everyone tries it. Chances are you’ve tried blogging. It’s fairly likely that you are a blogger yourself. If so you’ve probably had the days, just like any other writer, that you sit and stare at the screen with nothing to say. One of the tricks to being a steady … Read more

I’m a Mega Roll Man Chances are, you use toilet paper. We may have different techniques when it comes to the use of it (and no, I don’t want to discuss technique, eiw) but we’re all probably familiar with the usage and purchasing of the product. I’m a Mega Roll man. Don’t get me wrong, I always read the sheet count on the claims of … Read more

How Much Do You Sleep? The older I get, the more sensitive I am to sleep deprivation. It wasn’t very many years ago that “pulling all nighters” was a common occurrence at work. Now, if I did have to work all night, I’d likely have to take a day or two off to recoup. It’s quite frustrating. Take this evening for instance. Last night, I … Read more

Poopsie Bubbletush

Ambien Purchase Online Look, sometimes things are fun and funny for no reason apart from absurdity. Things like whoopie cushions, LOLCats, and peeing in the snow. Today, we’ll say to celebrate Inauguration Day, I give you permission to be completely silly. The best way to start is with your new name provided Professor Poopypants from Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor … Read more