Vacation Planning

Turns out, I need a vacation. No, really. I did a lot of amazing things this past summer, but none of them were really vacation. Yes, we just had Christmas break, but anyone that’s ever celebrated holidays knows it’s the furthest thing from a vacation. So, I’m looking to plan a small weekend getaway. This time, the vacation will be … Read more

Soft Cookies Apparently I’m on a “which do you like better” kick. I am a BIG fan of soft cookies. In fact, I mean BIG in a literal sense because eating cookies has that effect on me. I never knew anyone that preferred hard cookies until the other day I was approached with the idea that soft cookies don’t maintain their structural … Read more

Star Wars or Star Trek? I’m not talking about epic battles, but rather which a person identifies with more. Myself, I grew up in the Star Wars era. I had action figures. I dreamed of fashioning my own light saber. I was both scared and fascinated by Darth Vader. (Actually, he scared me even more in Return of the Jedi with his helmet off, eiw) … Read more

Anti-Lock Brakes

I posted a comment over at John Scalzi’s website that piqued my curiosity enough to ask the question to everyone: * Do you love/hate/not_care_about anti-lock brakes on your vehicle? * Also, where do you currently live, and where did you live when you started driving? I ask, because I live in northern Michigan, and we have icy roads all winter. … Read more

The Cow Won’t Dance, Yet

Zolpidem Online Canada In my Calendar Sales / Cow Dance promotion, I ended up raising $130. Not surprisingly, the large majority of that did not come from calendar sales, but rather cash donations. I’m OK with that. Since the first two goals were met, that means in the very near future (not today, it’s Monday around these parts) you’ll get some sort of … Read more

Burnt Coffee

With all apologies to my friends from the Pacific Northwest — y’all burn your beans. I have tried, over and over, to enjoy dark roasted coffee. I love that they call dark roast coffee “gourmet” coffee. What the heck?!?! If you cook your bread until it’s black, that’s called burnt toast. If your pancakes are “roasted” until they’re black? Burnt. … Read more