To My WordPress Blogging Friends:

Buy Ambien Online Please, if you have the ability, consider installing THIS plugin. It’s that thing I have that notifies you via email when someone comments on a post you’ve commented on. Since Blogger added the feature, I find myself depending on it in order to follow the location of conversations. If I’ve left you hanging on a thread somewhere, it’s just because … Read more

Cross Posting ’cause I’m Sick

I’m home sick today. Actually, more than sick, I have a really sore left shoulder that won’t quit hurting. I find this bizarre, because I didn’t do anything to hurt my shoulder, and yet, it really does hurt like the dickens. Perhaps it’s sympathy pain for Jim Wright. (If so, I love ya man, but I’m not sure we’re this … Read more

New Video, and a Funny Story

God has a sense of humor. I know this, because I’m 32 years old, and while I was preparing to shoot this video, my forehead kindly grew 2 giant pimples. One was in the “unicorn” position, and the other was placed just right to accentuate my receding hairline. That’s just spiffy. So, like any filmmaker, I decided it was time … Read more

And on the Diet Front… I accidentally ate a whole bag of Chex Mix. And yeah, it really was an accident. I sat down on the couch after work, and sitting on the coffee table was an open bag of Chex Mix. Without thinking, I grabbed it, and proceeded to eat the whole thing. (Not the actual bag, I don’t want to be that guy…) … Read more

Cross Your Fingers For Me For the next couple days, I’m doing a “trial run” for a part-time permanent gig related to the publishing world. It’s super exciting, slightly overwhelming, and on the short list of careers I would find ideal. Not bad for a Monday. 🙂 Oh, and I didn’t do too bad today with eating. I did horrible with exercise though, in that … Read more

My Pants are All Shrinking…

Ambien Brand Online OK, so here’s the deal: I’m currently claiming more than my fair share of matter in the universe. I’ve had this struggle before, and it’s usually due to stress at work. (Well, ok, it’s indirectly due to stress at work, it’s actually due to eating lots of food and being a lazy SOB) It’s not that I’m terribly vain, and … Read more

Funny Realization I was complaining a while back, probably on someone else’s blog, about when I search for my name on Google, I get a chiropractor and a pheasant hunting guide. Tonight, I realized it’s because I didn’t actually have my name anywhere here. It’s surprising Google found me at all! So yeah, I’m narcissistic, and I put my name in the … Read more