Ice, Canoes, and Slight Insanity

Cheap Clonazepam No Prescription The woolen socks itched. Well, I guess that’s not really true. They were rough and scratchy, but weren’t really irritating. At the least, they were a reminder of the rough outdoors, and at the most, they kept my tootsies from freezing and falling off. I’m thankful for both. Black Friday, instead of braving the stores for deals, I was invited … Read more

Reason for the Season? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Christian through and through. I get annoyed by holiday catch-phrases though. Like the, “Jesus is the reason for the season” pins? Or emails? 100 a day? The truth of the matter is that the axial tilt of the Earth is the reason for the season. Or any season for that matter. I’m just sayin’… … Read more

Numb3rs, Revealed.

Buying Zolpidem Tartrate After an overindulgence of melange spice turkey, I had a realization that the numbers were in fact television stations. In our audio/video behemoth system, we have the ability to tune in several cable stations, and rebroadcast them throughout the school. One of the custodians wanted me to switch one of the stations so he could watch basketball or some such … Read more

In Which I Change the Numeric System

I found this note taped to my office door this morning. I’m the technology director for a K12 school, and my office is inside the library. You now have just as much information as I do. Please tell me what this note means. My guesses are: I’m expected to “fix” the state Lotto, or Manage a football team, or Eradicate … Read more

Raking Update

Clonazepam Pills For Sale It turns out I did have helpers, and some were even adults. (Thanks Josh!) As soon as we emptied that last tarp, the snow started coming down pretty hard, and before we even had the rakes all put into the van, the freshly raked lawn was covered with a blanket of white stuff. We cut it close.

Raking Snow

I have to rake tomorrow. It’s not my lawn, and due to an unfortunate series of circumstances, I’ll be raking the yard with very little help. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be fine, it’s just that we had a dusting of snow today. It’s not enough to stop the raking, but it is a reminder that the high will be … Read more

Writers, FTW! It’s really lucky for the rest of the world that geeks and writers aren’t terribly motivated folks. One of these days, however, we might actually get around to taking over the world. And I’m only half joking… UPDATE: Oh, and for the first time in my life, I can say “Union” without getting a little vomit in the back of … Read more