Did You Miss My Review?

I’m sure you all feel somewhat unsettled, and you’re not quite sure why. Let me reassure you, yes, there hasn’t been a new gadget review for 2 weeks. I wasn’t sure if the “reviews” were going to keep happening, as my original arrangement with Linux Journal was for a 2 month trial. We ran out of gadgets just as the … Read more

Star Trek Mug!!!

Alprazolam Online India My family drove to a beautiful home on the shore of Lake Huron today for lunch. Thankfully, the home is owned by friends (actually, my former boss — he retired), and they were expecting us. When we arrived, they had gifts for the family, and the coffee mug below is one that I think he’s had for years, but wanted … Read more

Editor Much?

I’m wondering, out loud as it were, how working as an editor might affect my writing. Any of my writing friends, do you work, or have you ever worked, as an editor? Editing is in the right field, and I don’t think it will hurt my actual writing, but I’m curious if it will affect it at all. Will I … Read more


I am not a NASCAR fan. At all. However, my 8 year old daughter went through the trouble of searching through the entire “school store” to find a coffee mug (which I do like) that said #1 Dad. We live in northern Michigan, which is a fairly redneck locale, and so the only option she had was NASCAR. I am … Read more

For Nathan

They say curiosity killed the cat… Well, no dead cats here, but Nathan, I’ll open the door for you… [flv:https://www.brainofshawn.com/videos/door.flv 320 240]

Speak, Friend, and Enter

I have many geeky friends. That probably doesn’t surprise anyone. This morning, one of them (I’ll leave his identity concealed, to save face) instant messaged me the link to a site he wanted me to check out. That site was password protected, and with the link, he simply wrote, “Speak friend, and enter.” Cool. 🙂 So, I proceeded to type … Read more

My Foot, It Defies Me

Ok, I read this on Digg — but it’s frustrating enough that I feel the need to repost it. Sitting at your desk, lift your right foot and make clockwise circles. While doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand. Your foot direction will change to counter-clockwise, and you’ll quickly go insane. I’m sorry to … Read more

Why Shawn Can’t Play

We had a meltdown with our school lunch POS system. Yep, POS. It also stands for point of sale. It’s that black monitor/computer job in the photo. (Click to embiggen) Anyway, hundreds of kids that want to eat, lunch lady frantically trying to figure out who has money in their account, who gets what, who paid for what, how much … Read more

You Get Nothing

It’s 10PM on Saturday. I’m at work. Working. I have nothing to entertain you. Not even a crafty quip. I’ll leave you with a picture of my current naughtiness, however. Don’t tell anyone, because I’m supposed to be on a diet. That’s right, Dots. And not just Dots, but Tropical Dots. Yum.

To My WordPress Blogging Friends:

Please, if you have the ability, consider installing THIS plugin. It’s that thing I have that notifies you via email when someone comments on a post you’ve commented on. Since Blogger added the feature, I find myself depending on it in order to follow the location of conversations. If I’ve left you hanging on a thread somewhere, it’s just because … Read more