Lack of Organiza…LOOK A PONY!

You know those people that live and die by their paper planner? When they lose it, life almost ceases to go on, and they run in circles like a bee with a pollen allergy? I’m not one of those people. You know those people that have a crackberry/palm pilot/iPhone strapped to their side, and if their batteries die, they do … Read more

Amanda at the Talent Show

Cheap Ambien Canada Last night was a talent show in our district for all kids between the 5th and 12th grade. That’s a huge age bracket, but it didn’t stop my 11 year old 5th grader from entering. I’m biased to a degree that almost negates the validity of my comments, BUT she was awesome. 🙂 Also important to note, is that almost … Read more

The Internet is Slo[connection lost]

I’m here at the Penguicon, and day 2 is going swimmingly better than day 1 did. The only downside is that I can’t seem to get a decent Internet connection. It may have something to do with the million geeks all sharing the same DSL line — but still, it’s frustrating. So far today, I had a “lobby room discussion” … Read more

Geek Like Me

Lizzie recently turned 7 years old. She’s our youngest, but like her sisters, she couldn’t deny being my kid. Today, she proved that she’s a geek. And from me, that’s a big compliment. 🙂 Lizzie is home sick today, and Grandma is staying at the house with her while Donna and I are working. Donna gave Grandma her cellphone, because … Read more


This is Amanda. This is Amanda’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education diploma. She completed the course, passed whatever tests need to be passed, and made her parents proud. I’d like to take this time to share my views on speaking to your kids about drugs. Do it. Often. Yes, yes, that’s a pretty common mantra, “Talk to your kids about drugs.” … Read more

Computer Generated Coupon Problems

Our local grocery store has a machine that prints coupons for you as you check out. It bases the particular coupons on the things you buy, and has a fairly good track record of choosing appropriate products. I just went to the store to pick something up for dinner for the kids. Our purchases were: (1) Bottle of sparkling grape … Read more

The Truth About Jam

There are a couple things I want you to notice about this picture. It’s poor quality is not one of them. 🙂 1) Janiece sent me this jam, because she’s really awesome, and I am pathetically awesomely fast with comments. 2) It arrived when I was in Houston, and my family waited until I got home to open it. Which … Read more

I Heart Skype

I got to talk to the family this morning with Skype’s video chat. Video really does make it more personal. And Skype works so darn well that the process is painless. If you commute, do you Skype with your family? You should try it…