More Spice

After I did the cinnamon challenge, Kate Baker gave it a go as well. Then, Donna got home, and figured she’d give it a try too. 🙂 Here is Donna doing the cinnamon challenge: Carlie: I’m pretty sure you have to do the challenge now… 😉

Silly Things I Do #3

I like to wear mismatched socks. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s true. I prefer similar thicknesses, but I’m not terribly picky. It’s important that they are drastically different, however. Something like one purple and one green is perfect. Or one white tube sock, and one argyle dress sock. So, do mismatch socks … Read more

In Which I Call New York

Last night, I showed my true colors as I pushed silly right to the border of awkward. 😉 Nathan blogged about his issues with Dominos Pizza. I thought it was funny, and wanted to taunt him. So, I went to his online book, which has his name on the bottom, and looked up his home … Read more

Silly Things I Do, #1

Every time I return a rented DVD, I look forlorn and slightly sheepish as I tell the clerk, “I’m really sorry, but I didn’t have a chance to rewind the movies…” It’s funny approximately 1 time. But that doesn’t stop me from repeating often. 😉


I am not a NASCAR fan. At all. However, my 8 year old daughter went through the trouble of searching through the entire “school store” to find a coffee mug (which I do like) that said #1 Dad. We live in northern Michigan, which is a fairly redneck locale, and so the only option she … Read more