Shawn’s Super Quick Netflix Wii-view

Ambien Online Usa Got my disk in the mail, and thought I’d stop home at lunch to try it out. Here are my thoughts, shot out into quick bullets: The interface is the best Netflix interface I’ve used yet. It’s easy to navigate your queue, similar titles, recent additions to the streaming library, etc. Activating your Wii is painless, and done online. (Like … Read more

Getting Lost in the Crowd

Fast Delivery Clonazepam I’m at a conference this weekend! This time, it’s not a Linux conference. I’m at a church leadership conference, and boy has it been interesting. The most interesting part, sadly, hasn’t been the content — but rather my inability to handle the huge mobs of people. If you’ve known me for a while, you know that after my car accident … Read more

A Question About T-Shirts Ok, maybe a couple questions about ’em… 1) Do you have “dress” t-shirts? By that I mean t-shirts you treat as more formal attire than you do the mountains of t-shirts we have for sleeping, painting, dog washing, etc. Personally I do. I have lots of t-shirts in a drawer, but I also have my “dress” t-shirts that get hung … Read more

Hack Your Wii, Be Like Me

Ambien Buy Online Uk Thankfully, the former doesn’t guarantee the latter, or we’d have a lot of people with funny looking hairdos walking around the Internets. 🙂 Ok, this will likely be long, so I’ll bust it up into sections: Why Would I Hack My Wii? There are many reasons to hack your Wii. There are many reasons not to as well. Let’s talk … Read more

My New Year’s Resolutions I figure, if I make them publicly, I’ll have slightly more motivation to keep them. In the end, it won’t likely matter, because let’s face it — you aren’t the boss of me. (Well, not true, a few of you might actually be the boss of me. Your powers are limited to the ability of adding a new resolution to … Read more

Disconnecting My Inner B0rg

I have a deadline. Mind you, this isn’t just a regular deadline I’ve pushed off until the last minute (rest assured, I have one of those for Monday. Seriously.) This is a monumental project that has been delayed due to a myriad of reasons. Some reasons good ones, some reasons not. But it’s a deadline. So I’ve decided this weekend … Read more

Bliggle Darnock Marchiqua Norlanthou It’s my blog, and I can say whatever I want. So there. Also, I’ll have you know this is the only hit when searching for Bliggle Darnock Marchiqua Norlanthou via Google. I have exclusivity, baby! Yours Truly, Quigniggly McPooterspank UPDATE: Darn you rotten kids!