Brain of Shawn Podcast #3

I’m here at the Penguicon, and it turns out, *I* am one of the horribly awkward individuals that becomes a wallflower in a crowded room. Based on my online presence, that might come as a surprise to some. You can hear me lament a bit here: [display_podcast]

I Hate Digg

I really don’t have a good reason to hate Digg, but it’s just frustrating that it’s guided by the general public. Because honestly, I think the general public is dumb. Not individuals (I think you personally are shiny), but rather as a whole. I can write some well thought out, interesting stuff — and get minimal diggs. I can write … Read more

Penguicon 6.0

It’s officially official. Actually, it was official when I paid my registration fee a few months back, but it’s super ultra certain now. I will be at the Penguicon this weekend in Troy, Michigan. This revelation means that I got my truck running after sitting all winter in the driveway. I’m a bit giddy to drive the old girl again. … Read more

Sophie From Shinola – Part 18

(Read here for links to the whole story, and why it’s being written) Blink/Sophie sat in as fetal a position as possible in the corner of a phone booth outside of Negworth, Amsterdam. Their recent merging was, of course, successful. Both minds were now in perfect harmony, and mostly open to one another. Therein started the awful realization. “Blink, it’s … Read more

Sophie from Shinola, Part 2

This post is part of a multi-blog, round robin, create your own chaos, short story write-a-thon. It’s sorta like Ficlets, but on a larger, less organized, slightly longer form. You can still play if you’re reading this before noon on Sunday, just go to Nathan’s blog and he’ll add you to the pool. It should be tons of fun. Link … Read more