In Which I Fall Into A Portal Those of you concerned that I died from cinnamon poisoning, fear not, I’m still kickin’. I also still like cinnamon, which is a plus. The past few days have been overwhelmingly busy, and to make a busy couple days even worse — Kate Baker introduced me to Portal. This introduction had several side effects: I now know what a companion … Read more

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More Spice After I did the cinnamon challenge, Kate Baker gave it a go as well. Then, Donna got home, and figured she’d give it a try too. 🙂 Here is Donna doing the cinnamon challenge: Carlie: I’m pretty sure you have to do the challenge now… 😉

All About Me

Everybody’s doing it, so I figgered I would too. I saw Jim’s first, so officially that’s the one I’m responding to. Enjoy: 1) Ever been in a relationship lasting over 5 years? Yes, been married for 12 years. Also, had a pair of sneakers for about 7. The wife is much better looking. And smells nicer. 2) What was one … Read more

Silly Things I Do #3

I like to wear mismatched socks. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s true. I prefer similar thicknesses, but I’m not terribly picky. It’s important that they are drastically different, however. Something like one purple and one green is perfect. Or one white tube sock, and one argyle dress sock. So, do mismatch socks annoy you, or make you … Read more

Shawn’s Rules for Public Meetings Some guy named Robert got to have his name on a list of rules, so I hereby claim the following rules as Shawn’s Rules of Public Decency in Meetings: 1) In order to complain about something, a person must actually know what they’re talking about. It’s important to note that someone telling you about it doesn’t count as knowing about … Read more

Silly Things I Do, #2

Clonazepam Overdose Ok, this one isn’t really silly so much as stupid. And it just happened. Last night, we went to the grocery store. It was late, and we didn’t get all the bags empty. We made sure all the frozen stuff was put away, and all the cold stuff went to the fridge. Noodles, etc — still on the table. As … Read more