The Internet is Slo[connection lost]

I’m here at the Penguicon, and day 2 is going swimmingly better than day 1 did. The only downside is that I can’t seem to get a decent Internet connection. It may have something to do with the million geeks all sharing the same DSL line — but still, it’s frustrating. So far today, I had a “lobby room discussion” … Read more

Brain of Shawn Podcast #3

I’m here at the Penguicon, and it turns out, *I* am one of the horribly awkward individuals that becomes a wallflower in a crowded room. Based on my online presence, that might come as a surprise to some. You can hear me lament a bit here: [display_podcast]

I Hate Digg

I really don’t have a good reason to hate Digg, but it’s just frustrating that it’s guided by the general public. Because honestly, I think the general public is dumb. Not individuals (I think you personally are shiny), but rather as a whole. I can write some well thought out, interesting stuff — and get minimal diggs. I can write … Read more

Penguicon 6.0

It’s officially official. Actually, it was official when I paid my registration fee a few months back, but it’s super ultra certain now. I will be at the Penguicon this weekend in Troy, Michigan. This revelation means that I got my truck running after sitting all winter in the driveway. I’m a bit giddy to drive the old girl again. … Read more

Pay No Attention to the Directions

I found ’em!!! (They had fallen off the bookshelf) Yes, I realize I’m supposed to take them at night. If I do, however, I wake up 274 times to pee. I do not enjoy waking up that many times, but admittedly, I prefer it over wetting the bed. So my new “in the morning” method is fully doctor approved. Oh, … Read more

Hardy Heron — Clean or Dirty

I realize this is a cross post, but I’m curious how everyone feels about upgrades versus fresh installs… As the release of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS rapidly approaches, the all important question is beginning to form in everyone’s mind. Upgrade, or freshly install. read more | digg story