Pharmaceutical Candies? This time of year, I take lots of drugs. Allergy drugs, headache drugs, asthma drugs — lots and lots of medicines to stave off my genetically prescribed death. Lately, I’ve had lots of headaches, and so we had to purchase a new bottle of pain medicine. The problem is that these new pills are candy coated to make it more … Read more

How to Make People Love Linux I wrote this for Linux Journal — but it’s something that I’m pretty passionate about, so I’m reposting here: There are two kinds of Linux people in the world, those that will help people fix their Windows spyware problems, and those that will not. I land squarely in the former camp, and I think that it’s important for us all … Read more

Tux: Possibly Permanent Many of you know that we have a Silky Terrier named Tux. He’s cute. He’s affectionate. He’s travel sized. He’s also not housebroken. I don’t require too many things from our pets, but proper bathroom habits ranks near the top of the list. In fact, there remains a distinct possibility that Tux, awesome namesake or not, won’t remain a member … Read more

Well, it’s Workin’

I’m not totally thrilled about the new theme, but for a day or so, this is what we’ve got. It’s 1:30, and I’m tired. 🙂 The good news is that I’m now managing the updates, etc, now. Hopefully I can manage to avoid most wonkiness in the future. We’ll see. G’night.

My Site is Teh Brok3

My site has several layers of brokedness to it, and thus will be killed, roasted, and eaten this evening. I will likely have downtime. I will likely have problems. I’m planning for total chaos, and hoping to be surprised. Wish me luck. I think this is my karmic punishment for meme tagging. Thanks Nathan. 😀

The Death of Memes

Henceforth, all memes shall die here. I’m all about playing silly Internet games, but “tagging” is much like chain mail, and people don’t seem to take kindly to such things. SO, that means all memes shall be officially voluntary, and never to be pressured in any regard whatsoever. Any previous, “tagging” shall be redacted, and future taggers will be flogged. … Read more

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… Nope, it’s a Meme.

Nathan tagged me with a “6 Unimportant Things” meme. I have the odd position of sorta liking these type things, while completely understanding why they annoy the crap out of people. So now, I need to come up with 6 things, and then tag 6 people. It’s the latter that I feel bad about doing. But, since I did prank … Read more

Look, a Hardy Heron

Here’s a quick look at the newest version of Ubuntu Linux. If you’re into that sorta thing, check it out. If not, here’s a link to a random LOLCat. It’s hard to go wrong with the kitties…

Amanda at the Talent Show

Last night was a talent show in our district for all kids between the 5th and 12th grade. That’s a huge age bracket, but it didn’t stop my 11 year old 5th grader from entering. I’m biased to a degree that almost negates the validity of my comments, BUT she was awesome. 🙂 Also important to note, is that almost … Read more