Does Anyone Still Have Waterbeds? Remember the waterbeds that used to have a big wooden frame, and a rubber bladder on the inside? The kind that was quite impossible to “make” because it constantly moved, which wrinkled the sheets? The kind that was either so hot it made you sweat, or so cold you (sometimes literally) got hypothermia? Does anyone still use those things? I … Read more

Vacation Planning

Turns out, I need a vacation. No, really. I did a lot of amazing things this past summer, but none of them were really vacation. Yes, we just had Christmas break, but anyone that’s ever celebrated holidays knows it’s the furthest thing from a vacation. So, I’m looking to plan a small weekend getaway. This time, the vacation will be … Read more

We Have Ice No snow really (I mean, there’s lots on the ground), but this morning we woke up to a nice coating of ice. I actually like freezing rain, it’s almost magical the way it puts a complete coating of ice on things. Yes, it makes for dangerous travel. I realize that. Still, it’s really nifty to see happen. I don’t have … Read more

Fireflies and Stars I’m at Bair Lake Bible Camp this entire week, and I’m actually quite a bit busier than I thought. I’ve been able to keep up with Linux Journal stuff, albeit a day later than I’d like on most things, but blogging here has suffered. A big reason is that wifi is spotty from my room. Last night I was walking … Read more

Green Jelly This song was released the year I graduated from high school. What crazy kids we were. 🙂 I was so not cool back in high school. I’m OK with that. Donna, however, was pretty cool. We didn’t go to the same school, and that’s probably a good thing, or I’d have never had the guts to talk to her. And … Read more

A Double Poopy Day

Today stinks. Really and truly. First, when dropping the kids off to school, this happened to the gas stations in town: Then, the reason I didnt’ stay at work after taking the kids, is because our toilets won’t flush. No mere plunger will do the trick, either. Our septic tank is full. At least, that’s my hope. Getting it pumped … Read more