4 Eyed Geek
For the first part of my life, I grew up in the ghetto of Detroit, in a single parent home. Mom and I were very poor. When I was 4 years old, however, I had to get glasses. Not just glasses, mind you, but Coke bottle thick welfare glasses. You can probably imagine that growing up, I wasn’t the most … Read more
Blue Power Wedgie
Clonazepam Addiction Only in an elementary Halloween parade can you see not one, but two Power Rangers pick wedgies. It just takes away from their mystique, you know? Happy Halloween everyone. 🙂
I Blow My Nose at You, English Pig Dog!
Today we took my oldest daughter to Urgent Care for pink eye. (She actually didn’t have pink eye, but it sure looked like it, and we didn’t want her to miss a day of school) On the way home, Donna and our oldest were discussing the odd accent the Urgent Care doctor had. His name sounded Latino, but his accent … Read more
Awe, So Darn Cute Isn’t that cute?
Tenderheart Bear, Tortured for Information? I saw this on the kitchen floor as I went to tuck the girls into bed this evening. I was too scared to ask them for any details. What could Tenderheart have possibly known? He hasn’t been on television since the 80s…
Blue Slushies All 3 of our kids are in public schools this year, which is a really big deal, because we’ve been homeschooling for a long time. So far, it’s been going well. It helps that I work at the school, and Donna substitutes as an aide. In fact, today Donna told me a hilarious story about our youngest, Lizzie. Donna was … Read more
Tinkled Toes
This week and next are insanely busy for me, so you’ll have to forgive my sparse posting. As you probably know, last week we went camping. It was a great week, but one of the things you notice more when you’re away is how often you go to the restroom. I’m actually on a blood pressure medicine that causes me … Read more
Most Days, I Don’t Even Shave… One of the joys of camping in a state park, is that everyone uses community showers. (No, not like that…) The park we stayed at only had 3 showers for the entire park. There are well over 100 campsites, and camping creates lots of reasons to bathe. Every morning, as I walked to the restrooms, I’d see people waiting outside … Read more
Aaaaand we’re back!
I’m back from my week long hiatus in the woods! We went camping in the tip of Michigan’s upper peninsula, and it was very awesome. Although I brought 2 laptops and a WiFi enabled Palm Pilot, I didn’t do much web surfing. Nor did I do much writing. The latter saddens me more than the former. I saw this on … Read more