When Do You Read?

https://clinicadrmaua.com.br/play/zevefysyv/ I have books. I have eBooks. I have eBook readers. (Yes, plural) I have eBook conversion tools. I have shelves. I have books on those shelves. I have a “shame pile” of books to read that could easily intimidate the most avid bookworm. Yet I can’t seem to find the time to read. When I do, I’m never sorry. Ever. … Read more

The Defattification Process Has Begun

Where To Buy Clonazepam Online OK, here’s the deal. Those of you that know me know I struggle with migraines. Like, really really struggle with them. Well, I’m on a new cocktail of prescription drugs that seems to be working at keeping migraines at bay — but one of the side effects is that I am gaining weight. And boobs. I suspect the two are … Read more

Remember When We Killed That Bum?

Ambien Online Visa I was sitting at work, happily working hours of overtime for no pay, when I got an instant message from a young lady that used to live with us. (She’s now in college, doing quite well — I’m incredibly proud of her, but that’s another story altogether…) Anyway, here’s how the conversation went: Jess: hi Jess: hw u doing? Me: … Read more

How McDonald’s Messed Up Styrofoam

https://www.daathize.com.br/ciqo3hlu I’m posted before about how wonderful McDonald’s Premium Roast coffee tastes. I’ve also expressed how that seems to go against everything that’s right in the universe. I mean, really good coffee? From McDonald’s??!?!?!. But alas, it’s true. That being said, while they may understand how to brew good coffee, they apparently haven’t figured out physics. Or perhaps they haven’t figured … Read more

Dear Universe,

https://olashirt.com/0zgjvq47o Hi! How have you been? I realize it’s been a while since I last wrote you, and quite frankly I was hoping another letter wouldn’t be necessary. It turns out, however, that you sent another one of your famous conundrums my way. I realize it may be your little brother Karma that has been shanking me in the shower for … Read more

Imagine If Apple Used Their Powers For Good

Ambien Overnight Mastercard I like Apple products. No, really. Yes I’m fanatical about Linux and open ideals, but Apple makes really nice hardware and software that “just works” well. Their products are expensive, but if the elegance is something you like, you’re willing to pay for that premium. And it’s a free market. So that’s OK. The thing that fascinates me is just … Read more


https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/w16l52f Yesterday, my family went to a local animal shelter to walk some dogs and pet some cats. As I walked “Taz”, an old dog with a mellow personality, I realized that I haven’t mourned the loss of Tigger. I want to tell you about Tigger, and while it won’t bring him back, perhaps it will help him to never be … Read more

Send in the Zombies, I’m Done with this Brain

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/89n17xqosae They say fear is the mind killer. I’d guess the one that wrote that never had migraine pain. Unless of course it’s the fear a migraine won’t go away. Because that might actually be true. Don’t worry, I’m not getting suicidal or anything — I’m just swinging precariously at the end of my sanity rope. (Yes yes, there’s an argument … Read more

Shawn’s Super Quick Netflix Wii-view

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/64p8f891a Got my disk in the mail, and thought I’d stop home at lunch to try it out. Here are my thoughts, shot out into quick bullets: The interface is the best Netflix interface I’ve used yet. It’s easy to navigate your queue, similar titles, recent additions to the streaming library, etc. Activating your Wii is painless, and done online. (Like … Read more