Sophie from Shinola, Part 2 This post is part of a multi-blog, round robin, create your own chaos, short story write-a-thon. It’s sorta like Ficlets, but on a larger, less organized, slightly longer form. You can still play if you’re reading this before noon on Sunday, just go to Nathan’s blog and he’ll add you to the pool. It should be tons of fun. Link … Read more

D.A.R.E. This is Amanda. This is Amanda’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education diploma. She completed the course, passed whatever tests need to be passed, and made her parents proud. I’d like to take this time to share my views on speaking to your kids about drugs. Do it. Often. Yes, yes, that’s a pretty common mantra, “Talk to your kids about drugs.” … Read more

Computer Generated Coupon Problems Our local grocery store has a machine that prints coupons for you as you check out. It bases the particular coupons on the things you buy, and has a fairly good track record of choosing appropriate products. I just went to the store to pick something up for dinner for the kids. Our purchases were: (1) Bottle of sparkling grape … Read more

I Got Nothin’

I’m tired. It’s been a long week. One funny story (well, funny for me): I was talking with my friend Josh this evening, and he commented that Easter week is always really busy and tiring. He’s a pastor, so I’m sure that’s the case. My response was, “Yeah, it was pretty tough on Jesus too…” To which we both laughed. … Read more


There’s so much to say about the trip to Houston, but I’ll try to stick to pertinent information, and leave things like wearing a “Feeling Lucky” shirt at a restaurant on gay night out of the story. 🙂 Linux Journal flew me out to Texas for a meeting. I wasn’t entirely sure what the meeting would involve (I suspect part … Read more