Messing With My Theme If it seems dark in here, it’s just me fiddling with the site. I am trying a new theme. I might keep it, and I might not. In fact, I might delete this post, and you’ll never know. 🙂 If it seems dark in here, it’s just me fiddling with the site. I am trying a new theme. I might keep it, and I might not. In fact, I might delete this post, and you’ll never know. 🙂 For future reference: These types of cups are not designed for mug warmers. Also, fingernail polish remover does remove melted Styrofoam. You’re welcome. I was speaking to a programmer friend over IM today: Him: Hey, I’ve been learning Python Me: Cool, the hisses are the hard part. Pythons are pretty forgiving with grammar, but Rattlers get TICKED if you mess up their tonal dialect… Yep, I’m still a geek. I gotta love that he played right along though. Joy is getting an email from your 8 year old that simply says, “Daddy, I love you!!!!!!!!!” See: Astronauts to Inspect Space Station Joints in Spacewalk I don’t think they should be smoking marijuana on the space station at all. Call me a prude if you will, but I have to draw the line somewhere. That said, are the laws the same once you leave the planet? If an astronaut kills another in space, is it illegal? … Read more Here’s a 1:45 snippet of the culmination of 2 months worth of preparation. My wife was the director of the children’s Christmas musical at our church this year, and tonight was the performance. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with ourselves now that there won’t be 3 practices a week, with 3 times that this past week. 🙂 … Read more
I have no good excuse. It’s probably the fear of failure. Maybe it’s intimidation on tackling such a huge project. Maybe it’s a combination of several things. The funny thing is, I usually do well when I’m given a deadline. I recently took a magazine article assignment, and had a deadline of a week later. I pretty much met my … Read more It’s rather weird to be in the public eye. Granted, the “public” eyes I’m in are rather small, but when a few thousand people intake something you’ve created, there’s bound to be someone that doesn’t like you. It’s a little weird to be disliked by someone you’ve never met, or talked to, or talked about, etc. Don’t get me wrong, … Read more In some more “pretty cool” stuff in my life, I just got confirmation that I’ll be a guest caller on, The Lab with Leo LaPorte, which I think is on G4 Tech TV. I have a question regarding the things to look for in a wireless microphone (for shooting my Linux Journal videos), and apparently it’s an interesting enough question … Read more I think I’d like to make a rule banning all gender non-specific names. Yes, that includes my own. All those Robins, Shawns, Pats, Terrys, Jerrys, Sams, Jesses, Stevies, Coreys, Jordans, Leslies, Taylors, Erins, and Billys just need to change to something like JOHN. Or JULIE. Ugh. In the cheesy video spoof I just posted about, I mention another Linux Journal … Read more