The B Word My wife has been working in the elementary school for the past month, assisting a special needs boy. He has a horrible background, and because of it, has the worst social skills I’ve ever seen in a student. At any age. And he’s a second grader. When Donna started working with him, he was violent, disrespectful, and quite honestly, a … Read more

Continued 2008 Suckfest, and a Review. It appears as though our well quit today. This does not please me, because although a well is just a big hole in the ground, it’s a rather pricey hole in the ground. And apparently our well pump doesn’t suck, and it’s actually supposed to. What a weird world. Anyway, wish me luck. The well guy is coming today at … Read more

LOLPunch. In the Face.

I’ve mentioned before that I really, really like me a good LOLCat. No, not stir fried or broiled, but one of them there funny cat pictures. Here’s a random one now. Enjoy. My apologies if you get a ceiling cat, they tend to be a little risque. My issue, today, is with the commenters on that site. Have you ever … Read more

My New Schedule

Generic Xanax Bars Online From now until, well, maybe forever — my works schedule has changed. I’m now working from 4AM to Noon. My blogging will likely take a bit to adjust to the new times, because quite frankly, I’m very tired. More later. Probably. Must sleep now, and finish reviewing this week’s Gadget. (It’s a really nice one, I want to keep it.)

Stuffy People Suck And now, my valued readers, I bequeath my laments forthwith… My last post, which was little more than embedding my lastest product review, sparked some really *fun* comments. I love that we’re discussing a glowing eyed, half possessed, flame throwing desk accessory. It’s fun, light hearted, and occasionally enlightening. I thank you for that. My frustrations lie with larger, stuffier … Read more

Send Al Gore!!!

We’re having 2 days of thunderstorms here in Michigan. In January. Granted, rain is my favorite weather condition — but really, it’s odd to know that I just put the Christmas tree under the house for storage this past weekend, and today we’re having a thunderstorm. Weird. On top of that, I think the pressure tank, and possibly pump for … Read more