Tis the Season

https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/olc6ucnvxn6 It’s that time of the (year * 4) when we begin to hear about all the candidates, potential candidates, lovers of potential candidates, and potential lovers of people that once went to college with the ex stripper that ate cheese whiz off the other candidates partially inhaled drug usage charges when he was in jail for molesting various and sundry … Read more

I Like Spongebob

I like Spongebob Squarepants. I figure it’s just something you should know about me. You get to peer into my inner soul, so to speak. I think he’s funny. You want to hear the deepest, most philosophical thing you’ll probably ever hear regarding the large yellow invertebrate? I think I like Spongebob because he’s the carefree, low stress, happy to … Read more

The Glorious Reveal!

Maybe not glorious, but hey, you get what you pay for. And this is free. (Click the image below to watch it online) I’m Linux Journal‘s new, “Gadget Guy” — and I do video reviews of products for them. The first video is up, and depending on the feedback they get, I will be a continuous feature on the Linux … Read more

Pretty in Pink

This is Lydia. It may not be perfectly clear in this cellphone photo, but Lydia’s eyes are particularly pink today. The doctor won’t let her return to school until Thursday. Ironically (for me anyway), she’s not thrilled about that. She wants to go to school. She doesn’t want the drops in her eyes though, which I do understand. But hey, … Read more

Like Christmas, Only Lamer

Next week, I can go public with the project I’ve been putting a lot of time into recently. I’m looking forward to that, because my blog is where I usually yammer on about such things. My blog is so darn popular, however, that if I talked about it, both my readers might tell, and I’d lose the deal. It’s like … Read more

4 Eyed Geek

For the first part of my life, I grew up in the ghetto of Detroit, in a single parent home. Mom and I were very poor. When I was 4 years old, however, I had to get glasses. Not just glasses, mind you, but Coke bottle thick welfare glasses. You can probably imagine that growing up, I wasn’t the most … Read more

Ice, Canoes, and Slight Insanity

The woolen socks itched. Well, I guess that’s not really true. They were rough and scratchy, but weren’t really irritating. At the least, they were a reminder of the rough outdoors, and at the most, they kept my tootsies from freezing and falling off. I’m thankful for both. Black Friday, instead of braving the stores for deals, I was invited … Read more