My Pants are All Shrinking…

OK, so here’s the deal: I’m currently claiming more than my fair share of matter in the universe. I’ve had this struggle before, and it’s usually due to stress at work. (Well, ok, it’s indirectly due to stress at work, it’s actually due to eating lots of food and being a lazy SOB) It’s not that I’m terribly vain, and … Read more

Funny Realization

I was complaining a while back, probably on someone else’s blog, about when I search for my name on Google, I get a chiropractor and a pheasant hunting guide. Tonight, I realized it’s because I didn’t actually have my name anywhere here. It’s surprising Google found me at all! So yeah, I’m narcissistic, and I put my name in the … Read more

I Want One of These.

Clonazepam Generic For Sale I don’t know why. I know that I would like to wear it to work. And just one, because two would be silly. If you want one, just click on the photo, it will take you to an online store. Please buy me one too, because there’s absolutely no way I could convince my wife it was a good idea.

The B Word

My wife has been working in the elementary school for the past month, assisting a special needs boy. He has a horrible background, and because of it, has the worst social skills I’ve ever seen in a student. At any age. And he’s a second grader. When Donna started working with him, he was violent, disrespectful, and quite honestly, a … Read more

Continued 2008 Suckfest, and a Review.

Purchase Ambien It appears as though our well quit today. This does not please me, because although a well is just a big hole in the ground, it’s a rather pricey hole in the ground. And apparently our well pump doesn’t suck, and it’s actually supposed to. What a weird world. Anyway, wish me luck. The well guy is coming today at … Read more

Stuffy People Suck

And now, my valued readers, I bequeath my laments forthwith… My last post, which was little more than embedding my lastest product review, sparked some really *fun* comments. I love that we’re discussing a glowing eyed, half possessed, flame throwing desk accessory. It’s fun, light hearted, and occasionally enlightening. I thank you for that. My frustrations lie with larger, stuffier … Read more

Send Al Gore!!!

We’re having 2 days of thunderstorms here in Michigan. In January. Granted, rain is my favorite weather condition — but really, it’s odd to know that I just put the Christmas tree under the house for storage this past weekend, and today we’re having a thunderstorm. Weird. On top of that, I think the pressure tank, and possibly pump for … Read more